ABSSoftware. Your Business, Better.

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From Wheels to Deals

Refurbish your business process

Tired of using multiple software solutions,    to keep track of orders, outworking technicians and accounts, a business owner, who runs an alloy wheel refurbishment company contacted ABSSoftware to see what we could do for his business.

Tracking orders was done using Apple calendar with colour coding for different jobs and technicians.

There was no way to connect this with his cloud invoicing system which the technicians used to post invoices and production orders. Invoices were being missed and customers were not visible on the calendar

Data from the online accounts package was difficult to format and was manually entered into Sage Accounts; a time consuming and expensive process.

We offered an 'all in one'  solution.

Based on a drag and drop scheduling calendar that could be colour coded to show current and scheduled jobs by technician, we built in Company and Customer records, Quotes, Orders/Jobs, Purchase orders and Invoicing along with Event management, ToDos and a reporting structure. All this in one networked package.

His staff could now see their own jobs, create new ones, add customers, take photographs of finished work and warranties and invoice all from their iPhones any where in the country with this information immediately visible in the office.

The business owner is very happy with this solution and hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of business has been transacted which is traceable, secure and is exported to Sage saving hundreds of hours of accountants time.

Contact us today if you are tired of trying to get data to do as you want, be like our customer who even when on holiday has total visibility of his companies activities.

For peace of mind connect your data with an ABSsoftware Business Solution


Call us: 07985 571 670

Email: enquiries@abssoftware.co.uk

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