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In a Galaxy (bar) Far, Far Away...

Easter Egg or a Spider in a bunch of Bananas

Software is useful stuff, you press a button and software kicks into action to do your bidding; instructing the CPU and memory in you computer to carry out your wishes whatever they be... but, software and what it allows you to do is only as good as the instructions that are available so we limit our software to doing useful stuff.

After all, what responsible programmer would put in a button that when pressed puts the computer into meltdown or goes online and causes havoc with stock shares. No. Not going to happen.

But every now and then we do come across a button, something that's not used very often, we scratch our heads and wonder what it does then press it to find out, expecting a message such as "You have just won free virtual chocolate for life, press"YES" to accept or "NO" to reject."

I mean who wouldn't press "YES"?

Well over in that other universe I guess it went something like this.

Dave. "What's this red button do, the one next to the blue one"?

"Oh that launches Boris, you don't want to touch that one."

Dave. "What does Boris do then?"

"Weell he could do anything, many say that he rushes round causing mayhem then self destructs in a spectacular fashion, which is why it's best not to use the red button."

Dave. "But I want to press it"

"I wouldn't do that"

Dave. "It's really tempting".

"No Dave"



"Oh Dave, what have you done."

Anyway back on planet earth where we beaver away and haven't really noticed any affect yet, the tidal wave will eventually reach us and will ask   questions of us all:


"Do we meet it head on with a reasonable hope of surviving intact, knowing it is going to one minute give us exhilarating highs then pitch us down in the depths of our ability to cope or, get hit broadside on and roll about in a very unpleasant manner not knowing which way is up?.

A lot would seem to rest on wether we are feeling the pinch points around our current systems.

So ask yourself a few questions.

Are you experiencing any of these situations at work?

Inefficient processes

You gather and share information using slow, inefficient processes that are prone to data entry errors.

Scattered information

Your information is stored in separate systems or multiple spreadsheets, or exists only on paper.

Rigid technology

You’ve looked for a packaged app, but it doesn’t do exactly what you want, and it doesn’t work on both computers and mobile devices.

Costly and complex tools

You’ve explored starting a custom programming project but you didn’t have the resources to develop and deploy it.

Then maybe it's time to explore the world of "Custom FileMaker Apps"

A custom app won't stop the fallout from recent events but may be the difference between growing your business in difficult times or not being prepared as things start getting rough.

Contact us soon.

Call us: 07985 571 670

Email: enquiries@abssoftware.co.uk

See this gallery in the original post